Monday, 6 January 2014

Seek For Me?


Long time no see, miss me a lot huh? *hug*

Well, first of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wish you all had a great new year's eve :)

I have so many things to share about, but it just like... I dunno where to start, haha. Now it's raining outside, I''m sitting in a chair, try to steal the campus' wifi, and thinking about the rest time of my holiday. I spent so many great things on this epic city, Yogyakarta, and it was all amazing! 

Anyway, I want to say thank you to 2013, I really did had so much fun on you. The freshmen year was flawless, I learned many experiences from the subjects (I have 12 subjects for the first semester!), my friends are great, I also joined a documentary movie making project, the lecturers are so nice, and anything else I don't mention here is also lovely. Mostly, when it's time on leisure time, I spend it on walking in Malioboro or Alun-Alun Kidul, or just have a jogging in UGM, or even try any strange food that I never tried before. 

It's like it has been a century I've stopped writing till I don't know how to do it anymore. On the other hand, I want to say that I feel blessed to be here in Yogyakarta. In fact, I feel so lucky. Time has gone so damn fast, it kills many beautiful moments till I couldn't capture it and remember it just for a little. Thank you for all people who have been coloring my life in 2013. I can't mention you all one by one, but this memory still exists. A billion thanks won't be enough to describe how happy I am today. So whenever you are, people, I hope you feel happy, just like me. 

Well, I think I'm out of words now. Here are some beautiful moments of mine. 

Or you can see all my update's picture on my INSTAGRAM. Have a happy holiday everyone! Cherioo!

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